
5 natural methods to stop smoking

MILAN - With 7000 chemicals including 60 carcinogens, cigarettes kill six million people each year, of which 600 thousand for passive smoking. The bad news we know them all, and have recently been reaffirmed in World No Tobacco Day . The problem remains the same: how to stop? And that's where there's the good news: there are five natural methods, far from pharmacotherapy, whose effectiveness has been scientifically proven, that can really help you to say stop once and for all this foolish habit.
HYPNOSIS - Who has tried it, maybe after several attempts to quit went "up in smoke", the advocates without ifs and buts.Hypnotherapy, increasingly popular even among the VIP, is a form of psychotherapy very good for getting rid of bad habits.Through this process, the therapist is able to convey very effectively to the subconscious patient's motivation to quit, the positive consequences of doing so and the negative of postponing yet. A study conducted by the VA Medical Center in San Francisco with the ' University of California has shown efficacy , even higher for patients who have previously had to fight depression or other psychiatric disorders.
ACUPUNCTURE - It is useful as a relief to the symptoms associated with expulsion from nicotine, such as irritability and restlessness, as it stimulates the release of serotonin , a substance involved in the regulation of mood. But not only. How hypnotherapy, can be a valuable method to help you quit smoking: it has confirmed a recent review of 14 previous studies, published on ' American Journal of Medicine(AJM). A study published in the same journal scientific thirty years ago already showed the very high rate of success of this treatment - 88 percent, with relapses in 31 percent of cases.
MEDITATION - More and more studies will prove the goodness to fight disorders of various kinds and change their habits of life 'toxic' . Also applies to the smoke: the '' be present ', the process of careful observation of their experiences physical, mental and emotional moment by moment, promotes a state of calm very effective to get out from the stress that causes the lack of cigarette, especially in first weeks. A study by the Department of Psychiatry at the Yale University School of Medicine has undergone a random group of smokers (a pack a day on average) in workouts to meditation or to treat ' American Lung Association . Result: 32 percent of those who did meditation has withstood without smoking up next appointment, compared with 6 percent of those who had been assigned to the program "Freedom from smoking." The researchers concluded that the benefits of meditation are greater than those of the standard treatments for smoking cessation.
SELF - Are you dying to fumartene one? A little self-massage to the hand or the ear helps to seeing through. Just a couple of minutes to stimulate microsystems that are found there and feel calmer. A study conducted by the University of Miami School of Medicine showed that those who follow the suggestion has fewer symptoms of smoking cessation, less anxiety, a better mood and smoke fewer cigarettes than those who do not.
TALK - Talking about it is important, especially with a specialist. About 72 percent of those who are trying to stop us falls within 72 hours, and to compare with someone helps resist intentions. The chances of success increase - a modest three per cent, in the case of only one brief conversation, but the study at Oxford University who handled the matter, investigating more than 30 thousand smokers showed that the verbal encouragement extended aid the determination of the patient in the switch off once and for all the cigarette.


How to stop smoking with natural remedies and homeopathic

Quitting smoking is a desire that does not translate into reality for too many people ever. Willpower latita and electronic cigarettes will leave perlessi? Provete with natural remedies and homeopathic


And 'the classic foil of the beginning of the year: stop smoking . Too bad that in the spring when we find ourselves again with the package of "blondes" in the pocket and in the summer the cigarette makes it even more enjoyable beer with friends.
We acknowledge there? Of course, even if all sppiamo as the smoke - or nictoina and tar - hurt our health, and those around us, since we are talking about a dependence largamate widespread and socially "tolerated", do not invest too much and energy to try to get rid of.
Yet, as many studies have evienizato, even the smokers derive considerable benefit from saying stop the beloved cigarettes, even after 20 or 30 of constant "affection". To quit there are many systems, the controversial electronic cigarettes and hypnosis, but have you ever thought of using, instead, a simple natural remedies?
Or drugs omepatici and extracts of medicinal plants? It is gentle care , which have no side effects, and that can help us to feel less and less the urge to grab the package and accendeci a cigarette. Here, in this regard, the advice of the precious Dr. Valentina Petitto, PhD in Botanical sciences.
The expert suggests omepatici of prescription remedies ranging modulated according to the type of the smoker. For example, to adjust the reaction of the organism to the interruption of cigarettes, which are then also those that drive us to resume Vizo , or irritability, emotional eating , insomnia and constipation , here are the drugs indicated:
  • Nux vomica to 15 CH
  • Lobelia to 7 CH
  • Stapysagria to 15 CH
To be taken twice a day between meals ( 5 granules sublingual). The smokers who smoke more than a pack a day, for a shock therapy can take tabacum to 30 CH (4 granules 3 times a day between meals). We come to the herbal medicine .
The medicinal plants recommended in this case are the Rhodiola and Griffonia , which are found in the form of capsules with the dry extract, to be taken in the number of two per day for a time of at least 3 months.
Finally, do not forget the flowers of Bach , acting on emotion associated with the smoking habit. To help stop the flowers are most effective Walnut, Crab Apple, Agrimony, Impatiens, Cherry Plum , from ssumersi in the dose of 4 drops sublingual for 4-6 times a day. You just have to try!


Natural remedies to quit smoking

Quitting smoking is about anything but simple. The dependence on nicotine is one of the most complex to eradicate and, very often, the will power is not enough to close down with blondes. So we rely on the most varied remedies - from psychology to the patch, through the electronic cigarette - at least in the hope of reducing consumption. Many do not know, though, that there are natural methods that can make this path lighter to bear.
The advice to quit smoking with both derive from the use of some herbs that officials from other relaxation techniques, such as acupuncture. Below, some of the natural remedies as effective.


The lobelia is a plant of the family campanulacee, native to South America and now available around the globe. Produces substances that bind to nicotine receptors and, therefore, can help combat the symptoms of smoking addiction.Despite being among the ingredients of some commercial products for smoking cessation, its load potentially toxic excludes the do-it-yourself: doses should be determined by a physician experienced in theory and must stay away from overdose . In stores homeopathic formulations are generally also present in granules, much less dangerous since the process at a very low concentration of active ingredient with which they are processed variety of homeopathy. The lobelia should not be taken by people with heart problems, asthma, high blood pressure, diabetes and pregnant women. Should they develop side effects such as dry mouth, nausea or dizziness, intake must be stopped immediately.

St. John's Wort

St. John's Wort

L ' St. John's Wort , a rediscovered natural usually employed as a little help in cases of depression, also has effects on smoking addiction. In a study conducted by the Mayo Clinic with the support of the National Cancer Institute of the United States, to 24 patients daily was administered the herb St. John's, in combination with psychological counseling to support the addiction. After 12 weeks, 40% of trial participants have stopped smoking. Relatively safe to assume alone, the plant is to be excluded when taking anti-viral or anti-depressants, because it might interfere dangerously increasing effects. Also, eating grass is not compatible with the exposure to the sun, so it is not recommended in the spring and summer.

Ginseng and licorice

The intake of ginseng can help regulate the level of dopamine in the body, replacing fact the cigarette . For this reason, it can be assumed without too many complications - except in cases of obvious allergy - to assist in overcoming the addiction. Very useful would seem also liquorice , to be taken when you feel the urge to light a cigarette: the strong flavor and persistence of taste in the mouth will help to overcome moments of crisis. Licorice is contraindicated, however, for those who have high blood pressure, because the stands, and for those who suffer from water retention, because in large doses can promote skin orange peel.

Hypnosis and acupuncture


For some time we resort to ' hypnosis as useful method to quit smoking. In 2000, the Cochrane Collaboration has carried out a long-term study to find out if hypnosis was really effective, with results very promising: the sample of patients smoking at 12 months after treatment has stopped as much as 60%. From the wisdom and oriental medicine comes instead l ' acupuncture : the stimulation of certain parts of the body with needles, in fact, it seems that instantly reduces the urge to light up a blonde. The inconvenience, however, is to repeat the treatment several times over time, because the effects they say are usually temporary.


It may seem a trivial remedy, actually l ' water is the best ally of those who want to turn off the cigarette forever. Drink plenty of water, in fact, facilitates the elimination of nicotine from the body through urine, thus helps detoxification. In general you should drink at least 2 liters of water a day and always carry a bottle when salt the urge to smoke, you drink a full glass of wine and allow the liquid to be stationed a few minutes in the mouth.

Mint, eucalyptus and propolis

An undesirable effect - and at first glance absurd - of farewell to blondes is the increase of cough and sore throat. There is no question of a contradiction: deprived of irritant, the body is purified and phlegm excreting toxins accumulated over the years. In addition, smoking is bad for the bacteria in the mouth, then laziness mucosa: it is normal that the throat is irritated because he has to resume its normal functions of barrier to external agents, after a long period of reduced work. As regards the cough, useful el ' eucalyptus , both by inhalation gel spreads on the chest. The Mint , however, helps to alleviate the hassles of tonsils and palate.Treatment strongest, the bee propolis spray can be a valuable ally against the discomfort of the throat.




Natural Ways To Stop Smoking

It's now been proven for many years that the ' smoking seriously damages the health of those who practice it is the people around him, or passive smokers.
There is no doubt, then: why do all we can to stop once and for all to consume tobacco are more than enough . In this article we will explain ten natural remedies and home that can help you to abandon this bad habit, pernicious for your health.


(Image courtesy of: Javier Balseiro / Flickr.com)
(Image courtesy of: Javier Balseiro / Flickr.com)
Hypnotherapy is a discipline with which you try to help overcome some habits through stimuli . Within the wide range of problems that could be solved using this method there is also smoking. 
Some research and experiments have shown that after receiving atreatment of hypnotherapy, a session a week for two months , from 40% 60% of patients noticed very promising results.
(Image courtesy of: Lachlan Towart / Flickr.com)
(Image courtesy of: Lachlan Towart / Flickr.com)
It is one of the plants most effective in the treatment of tobacco dependence, since it helps to abandon this habit with greater ease .Ginseng, in fact,  inhibit the release of dopamine , a neurotransmitter responsible for transmitting a feeling of pleasure and well-being if stimulated by nicotine.


(Image courtesy of: Acupuncture-Barcelona / Flickr.com)
(Image courtesy of: Acupuncture-Barcelona / Flickr.com)
No doubt all smokers will know that the real problem that occurs when trying to quit smoking is having to cope with all the complications that arise as a result of abstinence . One of the organs that suffers most of the withdrawal symptoms from tobacco is the liver , but fortunately these annoyances are a no brainer in ' acupuncture : a very useful alternative therapy that helps to preserve the well-being of many organs, including the liver.

Bubble gum

(Image courtesy of: Roberta Laísa Trojaike / Flickr.com)
(Image courtesy of: Roberta Laísa Trojaike / Flickr.com)
It is one of the tricks used in the treatment for smoking cessation . Its outcome varies greatly from patient to patient, but it is believed that keeping the mouth and mind busy you can get a feeling of well-being that prevents those who are trying to leave the tobacco to fall into temptation . Take care not to abuse the chewing gum and choose those without sugar , to avoid damaging both the teeth that line.


(Image courtesy of: Clínica Salud / Flickr.com)
(Image courtesy of: Clínica Salud / Flickr.com)
The auricular is a special form of acupuncture to the ear. Through this treatment may be able to eliminate the problem of ' anxiety , one of the most difficult to overcome when dealing with an addiction . It is also useful to help improve the health of the lungs  that, for obvious reasons, are the most affected by tobacco use.


(Image courtesy of: Eitel Thielemann / Flickr.com)
(Image courtesy of: Eitel Thielemann / Flickr.com)
Drinking a daily ' infusion of valerian roots, especially before going to sleep,helps reduce anxiety, stress and nervousness , all states that lead to smoke to relieve tension.


(Image courtesy of: Richard Gase / Flickr.com)
(Image courtesy of: Richard Gase / Flickr.com)
This is another plant used to help overcome the problems of abstinence from nicotine . Is often used as the main ingredient in products for those who want to quit smoking, but can also be prepared in infusion.But we must be careful to assume only the dose indicated by a specialist, as taken in large quantities can be toxic .


(Image courtesy of: Sergio Dini / Flickr.com)
(Image courtesy of: Sergio Dini / Flickr.com)
The oats are an excellent food in the diet of people who want to stop smoking , since it can help to decrease the feeling of anxiety; But it is clear that this is not a specific treatment for smoking.


(Image courtesy of: Organicus Blog / Flickr.com)
(Image courtesy of: Organicus Blog / Flickr.com)
The root of  ginger is very suitable to treat the nausea and anxiety that can result from abstinence from tobacco. It also helps to detoxify the body through the pores.

Cayenne pepper

(Image courtesy of: Ferryfb / Flickr.com)
(Image courtesy of: Ferryfb / Flickr.com)
The chili cayenne can be used when you feel that there is impossible not to give in to the urge to smoke . It can also help prevent the damaging effects that cigarettes cause lung.

And remember ...

All these natural remedies and home have always given more or less good results in patients who have used them, but the success was mainly due to the rigor and will power that each of them has in dealing with this difficult path .