
5 natural methods to stop smoking

MILAN - With 7000 chemicals including 60 carcinogens, cigarettes kill six million people each year, of which 600 thousand for passive smoking. The bad news we know them all, and have recently been reaffirmed in World No Tobacco Day . The problem remains the same: how to stop? And that's where there's the good news: there are five natural methods, far from pharmacotherapy, whose effectiveness has been scientifically proven, that can really help you to say stop once and for all this foolish habit.
HYPNOSIS - Who has tried it, maybe after several attempts to quit went "up in smoke", the advocates without ifs and buts.Hypnotherapy, increasingly popular even among the VIP, is a form of psychotherapy very good for getting rid of bad habits.Through this process, the therapist is able to convey very effectively to the subconscious patient's motivation to quit, the positive consequences of doing so and the negative of postponing yet. A study conducted by the VA Medical Center in San Francisco with the ' University of California has shown efficacy , even higher for patients who have previously had to fight depression or other psychiatric disorders.
ACUPUNCTURE - It is useful as a relief to the symptoms associated with expulsion from nicotine, such as irritability and restlessness, as it stimulates the release of serotonin , a substance involved in the regulation of mood. But not only. How hypnotherapy, can be a valuable method to help you quit smoking: it has confirmed a recent review of 14 previous studies, published on ' American Journal of Medicine(AJM). A study published in the same journal scientific thirty years ago already showed the very high rate of success of this treatment - 88 percent, with relapses in 31 percent of cases.
MEDITATION - More and more studies will prove the goodness to fight disorders of various kinds and change their habits of life 'toxic' . Also applies to the smoke: the '' be present ', the process of careful observation of their experiences physical, mental and emotional moment by moment, promotes a state of calm very effective to get out from the stress that causes the lack of cigarette, especially in first weeks. A study by the Department of Psychiatry at the Yale University School of Medicine has undergone a random group of smokers (a pack a day on average) in workouts to meditation or to treat ' American Lung Association . Result: 32 percent of those who did meditation has withstood without smoking up next appointment, compared with 6 percent of those who had been assigned to the program "Freedom from smoking." The researchers concluded that the benefits of meditation are greater than those of the standard treatments for smoking cessation.
SELF - Are you dying to fumartene one? A little self-massage to the hand or the ear helps to seeing through. Just a couple of minutes to stimulate microsystems that are found there and feel calmer. A study conducted by the University of Miami School of Medicine showed that those who follow the suggestion has fewer symptoms of smoking cessation, less anxiety, a better mood and smoke fewer cigarettes than those who do not.
TALK - Talking about it is important, especially with a specialist. About 72 percent of those who are trying to stop us falls within 72 hours, and to compare with someone helps resist intentions. The chances of success increase - a modest three per cent, in the case of only one brief conversation, but the study at Oxford University who handled the matter, investigating more than 30 thousand smokers showed that the verbal encouragement extended aid the determination of the patient in the switch off once and for all the cigarette.

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