
How to stop smoking with natural remedies and homeopathic

Quitting smoking is a desire that does not translate into reality for too many people ever. Willpower latita and electronic cigarettes will leave perlessi? Provete with natural remedies and homeopathic


And 'the classic foil of the beginning of the year: stop smoking . Too bad that in the spring when we find ourselves again with the package of "blondes" in the pocket and in the summer the cigarette makes it even more enjoyable beer with friends.
We acknowledge there? Of course, even if all sppiamo as the smoke - or nictoina and tar - hurt our health, and those around us, since we are talking about a dependence largamate widespread and socially "tolerated", do not invest too much and energy to try to get rid of.
Yet, as many studies have evienizato, even the smokers derive considerable benefit from saying stop the beloved cigarettes, even after 20 or 30 of constant "affection". To quit there are many systems, the controversial electronic cigarettes and hypnosis, but have you ever thought of using, instead, a simple natural remedies?
Or drugs omepatici and extracts of medicinal plants? It is gentle care , which have no side effects, and that can help us to feel less and less the urge to grab the package and accendeci a cigarette. Here, in this regard, the advice of the precious Dr. Valentina Petitto, PhD in Botanical sciences.
The expert suggests omepatici of prescription remedies ranging modulated according to the type of the smoker. For example, to adjust the reaction of the organism to the interruption of cigarettes, which are then also those that drive us to resume Vizo , or irritability, emotional eating , insomnia and constipation , here are the drugs indicated:
  • Nux vomica to 15 CH
  • Lobelia to 7 CH
  • Stapysagria to 15 CH
To be taken twice a day between meals ( 5 granules sublingual). The smokers who smoke more than a pack a day, for a shock therapy can take tabacum to 30 CH (4 granules 3 times a day between meals). We come to the herbal medicine .
The medicinal plants recommended in this case are the Rhodiola and Griffonia , which are found in the form of capsules with the dry extract, to be taken in the number of two per day for a time of at least 3 months.
Finally, do not forget the flowers of Bach , acting on emotion associated with the smoking habit. To help stop the flowers are most effective Walnut, Crab Apple, Agrimony, Impatiens, Cherry Plum , from ssumersi in the dose of 4 drops sublingual for 4-6 times a day. You just have to try!

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