
Stop Smoking is Easy Following These 3 Simple Rules!

 stop smokingI know what goes through the mind of a smoker when he thinks to stop: the fear that not everything will be as before, the fear of not being able to enjoy a dinner with friends, the fear of being in pain for the rest of life, with the fixed idea of a puff of nicotine. 
The fear that life will not be as enjoyable as the first. 
Quitting smoking does not mean giving up something, but it just means getting huge benefits. 
Strive to abandon the vision loss and sacrifice : it is a vision built deception of your mind.
Until associate smoking cessation to the deprivation of something (cigarettes) your mind will live this experience with suffering, because the play as a "lack of something."
You must tell the brain that quitting smoking does not mean deprive yourself of something beautiful, but it means getting great benefits.
You must associate the stop smoking in nice pictures , rewarding and challenging.Have your mind on your side, means eliminating 99% of the problems that all those who fail to stop.
Every time you think you want to stop smoking directs your focus to what you DO NOT think you lose, but toward the new condition that earn.
Here are some suggestions:

  • more money each month to buy you anything you want for a long time
  • you'll feel more energetic
  • your skin will take on a more radiant and relaxed
  • wrinkles and cellulite will ease
  • savor the food and feel the scents as you remember even more
  • do more sport with less effort
  • you will be more relaxed and laid back
  • be able to concentrate better on your projects
  • puzzerai no longer smoke
  • you will have a brighter smile
  • heal from coughs and colds much faster
  • you will be much less predisposed to diseases and tumors
And I could go on ...
stop smokingSince childhood, our unconscious is bombarded withmisinformation about the smoke. 
Cigarettes, relax, they comfort, courage, energy ... I'm exaggerating? 
Think about it: what is the last wish that is granted to a person sentenced to death in the movies usually? The cigarette ... exact.
Without that we realize that the message is perceived by our unconscious mind is that cigarettes are a "precious thing."
Even now that we can no longer do direct advertising of cigarettes, as it happens, we find the names of the most famous brands of cigarettes in major sporting events.
Our mind associates smoking with exciting events, great men excellent and in perfect shape.
During life, we begin to think that smoking is a pleasure, that has the ability to relax and increase concentration. Although these are just myths.
The reality is that smoking is the very cause of your nervousness and your deconcentration.
Have you turned on the first cigarette because you felt nervous and you thought I'd need something to calm your nerves? You've probably turned on because you could not find the solution to a problem?
I think not ...
But then why did you start smoking? Probably, you like me, you started smoking because you needed to feel great.
Because the subliminal messages that came from the movies, the media and all the surrounding environment, made you associate the act of smoking to the image of a strong person and adult.
And 'necessary that you can change your personal interpretation of the smoke , and give it its true meaning, what did you feel the first time you pulled a breath of cigarette:nausea, bad taste, cough, in a few words what the smoke really, something smelly, disgusting and also very bad for your health. 
Observing the smoke from another perspective (the real one) and refusing to accept the vision that you have informed the media and society, you'll see that it will be easier to get out of what images.
3) Convince yourself that YOU CAN DO IT
stop smokingOne of the first questions that attacks when you decide to quit smoking is whether or not we are able to do so, that is if we have the resources and the strength to carry on this choice choice. 
There are lots of people who want to stop, but at the same time doubt their ability to succeed. The recurring thought is "sooner or later I'll fall back into temptation."
But it is precisely this mindset that prevents to face in the right way, the path of liberation from smoking. You do not fail because they do not have the skills, but because we are convinced that we can not succeed.
But when you believe with all of yourself to be able to be able to achieve the goal, not even take into consideration the idea of ​​failure, right?
It 'just the strong belief to succeed will give you access to many hidden resources that allow you to free yourself from the habit of smoking.
Think of all the things that you've managed to do in life: you graduated? Did you graduate?You've got the license? You marry the person you love? Did you find a job?
Any goal you've achieved, even the smallest and seemingly insignificant, you've reached because you were convinced to do so, otherwise we'd never make it.
Quitting smoking is the exact same thing. Can you stop only when you're convinced we can do it.
You are not different from those who have already quit smoking and the only person who can force you to smoke the next cigarette you, and no one else.
The wonderful truth is that quitting smoking is easy!
Still not convinced?
So I suggest a book, which gave a real change in my life. Not just me, but millions of people around the world have been able to quit smoking in the enterprise thanks to the book by Allen Carr "It's easy to quit smoking, if you know how to do it."

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