
Smoking During Pregnancy: The Damage to the Child

That smoking in pregnancy hurts we all know, but what the risks are, exactly, cigarette smoking for the baby? Smoking is bad. It hurts before pregnancy, during pregnancy and after pregnancy. It hurts and it hurts the mother to the baby. Even passive smoking can seriously affect the health of the fetus, then it hurts even to remain in the same environment of a person with a lighted cigarette. We explain why, and what the risks are, exactly, for the child. 
Smoking in pregnancy: risks to the physical health of the child
The harmful chemicals contained in cigarettes, passing through the umbilical cord and placenta, reach the child who is being formed; make him get less nutrition ; they remove oxygen; the transmit carcinogenic substances that can damage it strongly predisposes to the appearance of tumors during growth. All this can happen is if the woman to smoke in the first person, and if the mother is exposed to passive smoking. Looking more specifically, nicotine causes a narrowing of blood vessels , so the child receives fewer nutrients and less oxygen; the carbon monoxide further limits the supply of oxygen; in cigarettes are more than 4,000 substances, many of which are potentially carcinogenic and can cause allergies. Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of sudden death in the newborn. The risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) is high even for those infants exposed to cigarette smoke after birth. Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage and premature birth . This increased risk is directly proportional to the number of cigarettes smoked per day, but in women smokers is higher than in nonsmokers even when you consume fewer cigarettes. Smoking during pregnancy exposes the child to a higher risk of suffering from wheezing and asthma. Also increases the sensitivity to respiratory infections even as teenagers and into adulthood. It is also more likely that the child will come up with low birth weight and the effects are, at least in part, final; was in fact found that, as an adult, the child of a woman who smoked during pregnancy will be approximately 1 cm below the average. If the woman smokes increases also the risk of vaginal bleeding and placental problems. 
Smoking in pregnancy, the risk to the child's mental health 
Smoking during pregnancy can also cause damage to the mental health of the child .
 According to the results of some recent research, in fact, the children of women who smoked while they were pregnant are at increased risk of developing behavioral problems and socialization . 
If you smoke you are less likely to get pregnant 
Actually you should quit smoking before becoming pregnant as soon as you start thinking about a pregnancy or to program it. According to a study conducted by the University of Copenhagen, cigarette smoking reduces by 30% the chance of getting pregnant; in women whose mothers were smokers, the possibility that early pregnancy is further reduced (50%). Toxic substances inhaled with cigarette, in fact, have negative effects on the hormonal control, on the maturation of ova and endometrium.

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