That smoking in pregnancy hurts we all know, but what the risks are, exactly, cigarette smoking for the baby? Smoking is bad. It hurts before pregnancy, during pregnancy and after pregnancy. It hurts and it hurts the mother to the baby. Even passive smoking can seriously affect the health of the fetus, then it hurts even to remain in the same environment of a person with a lighted cigarette. We explain why, and what the risks are, exactly, for the child.
Smoking in pregnancy: risks to the physical health of the child
The harmful chemicals contained in cigarettes, passing through the umbilical cord and placenta, reach the child who is being formed; make him get less nutrition ; they remove oxygen; the transmit carcinogenic substances that can damage it strongly predisposes to the appearance of tumors during growth. All this can happen is if the woman to smoke in the first person, and if the mother is exposed to passive smoking. Looking more specifically, nicotine causes a narrowing of blood vessels , so the child receives fewer nutrients and less oxygen; the carbon monoxide further limits the supply of oxygen; in cigarettes are more than 4,000 substances, many of which are potentially carcinogenic and can cause allergies. Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of sudden death in the newborn. The risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) is high even for those infants exposed to cigarette smoke after birth. Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage and premature birth . This increased risk is directly proportional to the number of cigarettes smoked per day, but in women smokers is higher than in nonsmokers even when you consume fewer cigarettes. Smoking during pregnancy exposes the child to a higher risk of suffering from wheezing and asthma. Also increases the sensitivity to respiratory infections even as teenagers and into adulthood. It is also more likely that the child will come up with low birth weight and the effects are, at least in part, final; was in fact found that, as an adult, the child of a woman who smoked during pregnancy will be approximately 1 cm below the average. If the woman smokes increases also the risk of vaginal bleeding and placental problems.
Smoking in pregnancy, the risk to the child's mental health
Smoking during pregnancy can also cause damage to the mental health of the child .
According to the results of some recent research, in fact, the children of women who smoked while they were pregnant are at increased risk of developing behavioral problems and socialization .
If you smoke you are less likely to get pregnant
Actually you should quit smoking before becoming pregnant as soon as you start thinking about a pregnancy or to program it. According to a study conducted by the University of Copenhagen, cigarette smoking reduces by 30% the chance of getting pregnant; in women whose mothers were smokers, the possibility that early pregnancy is further reduced (50%). Toxic substances inhaled with cigarette, in fact, have negative effects on the hormonal control, on the maturation of ova and endometrium.
What Are The Natural Ways To Stop Smoking? Health News And Receive Daily Tips On Healthy Living.
Quit smoking with natural methods
Quitting smoking may seem like an enormous task and, in addition to the strength of will, when you decide you want to switch off the last cigarette is crucial also some remedy.
In the market there are many preparations that promise to alleviate nicotine addiction but their effects on health are far from positive. Why then cures and natural remedies can become valuable ally of those who want to say goodbye forever to cigarettes which, as we have said many times, in addition to doing bad health have negative effects on the environment.
And for those still wavering same ... even the fake solution to the "green tobacco" is a hoax! Better stop forever by following these tips and remedies 100% natural.
To counter the urge to smoke you can do a supply of minerals and vitamins by eating fruits and vegetables especially in season. A remedy that is not only good for those who break the automatic lights a cigarette after another - often without a real desire - but it is also important to adjust the sense of satiety - thanks to the fibers - and resist the temptation to jump on snacks and sweets.
Always have, for example, carrots, celery and fennel already washed and portioned is good advice even when we are away from home. Even herbal teas can be a valuable help to stop smoking naturally. Very indicated are based on eucalyptus, lime, thyme, lavender and black currants. Some people have successfully tested the use of a few drops of essential oil of eucalyptus, lavender and thyme on a napkin to try immediate relief.
For those who had the bad habit of cigarette before bed, we recommend an infusion of valerian or an infusion of lime and verbena before getting under the sheets. Avena sativa can also take action antidepressant and sedative, but should be taken in controlled doses.
If you want to detoxify your body, after years of smoking, recharge your artichokes! Less recommended, because it has an important effect on blood pressure, is the consumption of licorice root. In small doses can be good but it is not always appropriate to consider it a substitute for cigarettes!
Stop Smoking is Easy Following These 3 Simple Rules!
I know what goes through the mind of a smoker when he thinks to stop: the fear that not everything will be as before, the fear of not being able to enjoy a dinner with friends, the fear of being in pain for the rest of life, with the fixed idea of a puff of nicotine.
The fear that life will not be as enjoyable as the first.
Quitting smoking does not mean giving up something, but it just means getting huge benefits.
Strive to abandon the vision loss and sacrifice : it is a vision built deception of your mind.
The fear that life will not be as enjoyable as the first.
Quitting smoking does not mean giving up something, but it just means getting huge benefits.
Strive to abandon the vision loss and sacrifice : it is a vision built deception of your mind.
Until associate smoking cessation to the deprivation of something (cigarettes) your mind will live this experience with suffering, because the play as a "lack of something."
You must tell the brain that quitting smoking does not mean deprive yourself of something beautiful, but it means getting great benefits.
You must associate the stop smoking in nice pictures , rewarding and challenging.Have your mind on your side, means eliminating 99% of the problems that all those who fail to stop.
Every time you think you want to stop smoking directs your focus to what you DO NOT think you lose, but toward the new condition that earn.
Here are some suggestions:
- more money each month to buy you anything you want for a long time
- you'll feel more energetic
- your skin will take on a more radiant and relaxed
- wrinkles and cellulite will ease
- savor the food and feel the scents as you remember even more
- do more sport with less effort
- you will be more relaxed and laid back
- be able to concentrate better on your projects
- puzzerai no longer smoke
- you will have a brighter smile
- heal from coughs and colds much faster
- you will be much less predisposed to diseases and tumors
And I could go on ...
Since childhood, our unconscious is bombarded withmisinformation about the smoke.
Cigarettes, relax, they comfort, courage, energy ... I'm exaggerating?
Think about it: what is the last wish that is granted to a person sentenced to death in the movies usually? The cigarette ... exact.
Cigarettes, relax, they comfort, courage, energy ... I'm exaggerating?
Think about it: what is the last wish that is granted to a person sentenced to death in the movies usually? The cigarette ... exact.
Without that we realize that the message is perceived by our unconscious mind is that cigarettes are a "precious thing."
Even now that we can no longer do direct advertising of cigarettes, as it happens, we find the names of the most famous brands of cigarettes in major sporting events.
Our mind associates smoking with exciting events, great men excellent and in perfect shape.
During life, we begin to think that smoking is a pleasure, that has the ability to relax and increase concentration. Although these are just myths.
The reality is that smoking is the very cause of your nervousness and your deconcentration.
Have you turned on the first cigarette because you felt nervous and you thought I'd need something to calm your nerves? You've probably turned on because you could not find the solution to a problem?
I think not ...
But then why did you start smoking? Probably, you like me, you started smoking because you needed to feel great.
Because the subliminal messages that came from the movies, the media and all the surrounding environment, made you associate the act of smoking to the image of a strong person and adult.
And 'necessary that you can change your personal interpretation of the smoke , and give it its true meaning, what did you feel the first time you pulled a breath of cigarette:nausea, bad taste, cough, in a few words what the smoke really, something smelly, disgusting and also very bad for your health.
Observing the smoke from another perspective (the real one) and refusing to accept the vision that you have informed the media and society, you'll see that it will be easier to get out of what images.
3) Convince yourself that YOU CAN DO IT
One of the first questions that attacks when you decide to quit smoking is whether or not we are able to do so, that is if we have the resources and the strength to carry on this choice choice.
There are lots of people who want to stop, but at the same time doubt their ability to succeed. The recurring thought is "sooner or later I'll fall back into temptation."
There are lots of people who want to stop, but at the same time doubt their ability to succeed. The recurring thought is "sooner or later I'll fall back into temptation."
But it is precisely this mindset that prevents to face in the right way, the path of liberation from smoking. You do not fail because they do not have the skills, but because we are convinced that we can not succeed.
But when you believe with all of yourself to be able to be able to achieve the goal, not even take into consideration the idea of failure, right?
It 'just the strong belief to succeed will give you access to many hidden resources that allow you to free yourself from the habit of smoking.
Think of all the things that you've managed to do in life: you graduated? Did you graduate?You've got the license? You marry the person you love? Did you find a job?
Any goal you've achieved, even the smallest and seemingly insignificant, you've reached because you were convinced to do so, otherwise we'd never make it.
Quitting smoking is the exact same thing. Can you stop only when you're convinced we can do it.
You are not different from those who have already quit smoking and the only person who can force you to smoke the next cigarette you, and no one else.
The wonderful truth is that quitting smoking is easy!
Still not convinced?
So I suggest a book, which gave a real change in my life. Not just me, but millions of people around the world have been able to quit smoking in the enterprise thanks to the book by Allen Carr "It's easy to quit smoking, if you know how to do it."
10 reasons to quit smoking
The smoke
1. shortens the life of heavy smokers on average of 10-15 years;
2. is involved in cancers of esophagus, pharynx, larynx, lung, stomach, liver, pancreas, kidney, bladder, cervical, colorectal, as well as in leukemias and lymphomas;
3. can cause acute and chronic bronchitis, emphysema;
4. can be one of the causes of thrombosis, heart disease and stroke;
5. may be cause for heartburn and gastric acidity, colitis, increased intestinal motility;
6. increases the risk of miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies, as well as congenital birth defects;
7. nicotine can be addictive. It is a stimulant initially increases attention and speed up the reflections, due to the lower supply of oxygen, intellectual performance can be reduced;
8. causes premature aging of the skin, resulting in the early appearance of wrinkles,
pigmentation (from gray to orange / reddish), dryness, dehydration, skin irritation, risk of psoriasis and other skin diseases;
9. alters the breath;
10. stain teeth.
Quitting smoking is a real challenge, but there are small natural remedies that will make you say goodbye once and for all the cigarettes !
For every smoker comes sooner or later the time when you try to break once and for all the love story with the package of cigarettes : Some succeed, but many do not make it!
How do you overcome that incredible desire to squeeze between your fingers thecigarette ? Among the natural remedies there are some that help you forget the smoke and make you pass those sudden attacks in which the only thing I think they are, the cigarettes !
The valerian , the passion flower and lime are all herbs shown to relax and pass nervousness and insomnia: for smokers who feel the nervousness skyrocket when they stop smoking, these herbs are a good help!
One clove of garlic will help ex-smokers to avoid the typical weight gain: the purifying of ' garlic will indeed be of great help for those who want to say goodbye to cigarettes. Before you eat them leave to soak the slices in milk: bad breath and heaviness not assail you!
And when the urge to smoke just does not seem volervi paid leave in a handkerchief two drops of essential oil of lavender and the smell will make you forget the tobacco!
For every smoker comes sooner or later the time when you try to break once and for all the love story with the package of cigarettes : Some succeed, but many do not make it!
How do you overcome that incredible desire to squeeze between your fingers thecigarette ? Among the natural remedies there are some that help you forget the smoke and make you pass those sudden attacks in which the only thing I think they are, the cigarettes !
The valerian , the passion flower and lime are all herbs shown to relax and pass nervousness and insomnia: for smokers who feel the nervousness skyrocket when they stop smoking, these herbs are a good help!
One clove of garlic will help ex-smokers to avoid the typical weight gain: the purifying of ' garlic will indeed be of great help for those who want to say goodbye to cigarettes. Before you eat them leave to soak the slices in milk: bad breath and heaviness not assail you!
And when the urge to smoke just does not seem volervi paid leave in a handkerchief two drops of essential oil of lavender and the smell will make you forget the tobacco!
5 natural methods to stop smoking
HYPNOSIS - Who has tried it, maybe after several attempts to quit went "up in smoke", the advocates without ifs and buts.Hypnotherapy, increasingly popular even among the VIP, is a form of psychotherapy very good for getting rid of bad habits.Through this process, the therapist is able to convey very effectively to the subconscious patient's motivation to quit, the positive consequences of doing so and the negative of postponing yet. A study conducted by the VA Medical Center in San Francisco with the ' University of California has shown efficacy , even higher for patients who have previously had to fight depression or other psychiatric disorders.
ACUPUNCTURE - It is useful as a relief to the symptoms associated with expulsion from nicotine, such as irritability and restlessness, as it stimulates the release of serotonin , a substance involved in the regulation of mood. But not only. How hypnotherapy, can be a valuable method to help you quit smoking: it has confirmed a recent review of 14 previous studies, published on ' American Journal of Medicine(AJM). A study published in the same journal scientific thirty years ago already showed the very high rate of success of this treatment - 88 percent, with relapses in 31 percent of cases.
MEDITATION - More and more studies will prove the goodness to fight disorders of various kinds and change their habits of life 'toxic' . Also applies to the smoke: the '' be present ', the process of careful observation of their experiences physical, mental and emotional moment by moment, promotes a state of calm very effective to get out from the stress that causes the lack of cigarette, especially in first weeks. A study by the Department of Psychiatry at the Yale University School of Medicine has undergone a random group of smokers (a pack a day on average) in workouts to meditation or to treat ' American Lung Association . Result: 32 percent of those who did meditation has withstood without smoking up next appointment, compared with 6 percent of those who had been assigned to the program "Freedom from smoking." The researchers concluded that the benefits of meditation are greater than those of the standard treatments for smoking cessation.
SELF - Are you dying to fumartene one? A little self-massage to the hand or the ear helps to seeing through. Just a couple of minutes to stimulate microsystems that are found there and feel calmer. A study conducted by the University of Miami School of Medicine showed that those who follow the suggestion has fewer symptoms of smoking cessation, less anxiety, a better mood and smoke fewer cigarettes than those who do not.
TALK - Talking about it is important, especially with a specialist. About 72 percent of those who are trying to stop us falls within 72 hours, and to compare with someone helps resist intentions. The chances of success increase - a modest three per cent, in the case of only one brief conversation, but the study at Oxford University who handled the matter, investigating more than 30 thousand smokers showed that the verbal encouragement extended aid the determination of the patient in the switch off once and for all the cigarette.
How to stop smoking with natural remedies and homeopathic
Quitting smoking is a desire that does not translate into reality for too many people ever. Willpower latita and electronic cigarettes will leave perlessi? Provete with natural remedies and homeopathic
And 'the classic foil of the beginning of the year: stop smoking . Too bad that in the spring when we find ourselves again with the package of "blondes" in the pocket and in the summer the cigarette makes it even more enjoyable beer with friends.
We acknowledge there? Of course, even if all sppiamo as the smoke - or nictoina and tar - hurt our health, and those around us, since we are talking about a dependence largamate widespread and socially "tolerated", do not invest too much and energy to try to get rid of.
Yet, as many studies have evienizato, even the smokers derive considerable benefit from saying stop the beloved cigarettes, even after 20 or 30 of constant "affection". To quit there are many systems, the controversial electronic cigarettes and hypnosis, but have you ever thought of using, instead, a simple natural remedies?
Or drugs omepatici and extracts of medicinal plants? It is gentle care , which have no side effects, and that can help us to feel less and less the urge to grab the package and accendeci a cigarette. Here, in this regard, the advice of the precious Dr. Valentina Petitto, PhD in Botanical sciences.
The expert suggests omepatici of prescription remedies ranging modulated according to the type of the smoker. For example, to adjust the reaction of the organism to the interruption of cigarettes, which are then also those that drive us to resume Vizo , or irritability, emotional eating , insomnia and constipation , here are the drugs indicated:
- Nux vomica to 15 CH
- Lobelia to 7 CH
- Stapysagria to 15 CH
To be taken twice a day between meals ( 5 granules sublingual). The smokers who smoke more than a pack a day, for a shock therapy can take tabacum to 30 CH (4 granules 3 times a day between meals). We come to the herbal medicine .
The medicinal plants recommended in this case are the Rhodiola and Griffonia , which are found in the form of capsules with the dry extract, to be taken in the number of two per day for a time of at least 3 months.
Finally, do not forget the flowers of Bach , acting on emotion associated with the smoking habit. To help stop the flowers are most effective Walnut, Crab Apple, Agrimony, Impatiens, Cherry Plum , from ssumersi in the dose of 4 drops sublingual for 4-6 times a day. You just have to try!
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